part one
blog - i am somewhat happy with the layout of the blog. most of the issues i have with it are back end issues that can't be resolved with google changing the back end.
website - i like the website i'm using for the story. really easy to navigate. only issue is the copy and paste feature that puts breaks and spaces in places that weren't supposed to have them.
part two -
reading - my notes could be better but i would essentially be copying and pasting the section.
stories - i would say my stories are good as i tell a new version of the story each time.
part three -
looking back - i would say that i should have picked better stories to read from the weekly selections as i struggle to synthesize the readings to an extent but i make up for it with my writings. my biggest accomplishment is probably my storyboard on troy. i usually have trouble meeting the word count for other assignments but i can easily blow past the 1,000 word maximum on the storyboard.
looking forward - catch up and get ahead.