Monday, April 20, 2020

Week 12 Story Lab - Biography

I'm going to deviate from the provided prompts and write about the pandemic and how it has impacted my life. 

Well, COVID-19. I took 18 hours this semester so I yearned for a break from having to go to my in person classes every single day. Spring Break provided that break. Little did I know that Thursday, March 12th would be the last time I would see my friends in Norman until August at the earliest. 

On March 13th I got laid off from my part-time job. A few days later OU moved classes entirely online. It was a massive shakeup in just a few days. The repetitive system rug was pulled out from underneath me. And I could no longer afford to live in my apartment. 

I was able to terminate my lease early and I moved my stuff back. The following day I went to go file my 2019 taxes. My cousin is my tax preparer. Their offices are on the third floor. Elevator was out of service so I walked up and down the stairs. When I walked down I took a tumble and broke my foot. 

Perhaps one of the most disruptive months in my life as everything went against me. Broken foot? sure, I can live with that given we were already locked down as a result of social distancing. I can't live with my family, the cabin fever is real. 

I hope we're all practicing social distancing. But I think the OU football team has us all beat because they've social distanced themselves from greatness for 20 years now. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Pierre!

    I hate that all of this is happening right now, and I'm so sorry it's been hard for you. I hate the fact that we didn't get to say a proper goodbye to all of our friends, and I've really been mourning that. I also can't believe you broke your foot on top of everything. I hope things get better for you as the semester ends, the summer begins, and hopefully we can go back to normal soon.
