Sunday, February 9, 2020

Storybook Plan

The central focus in this three or four part arc story would be;
PART ONE: This part of the story would start with Paris seducing Helen of Sparta, follow the Trojans sailing back to Troy, the Greeks learning and planning the invasion of Troy, overall this part of the arc would end with a Greek victory on the beaches of Troy. 
PART TWO: We cover the first major battle that features the full strength and force of each army. The end result is a decisive Trojan victory that sends the Greek army into full retreat. Rather than have Hector kill Patroclus in the ensuing battle on the beaches there would be no third battle until the Myrmidons leave the beaches of Troy.
PART THREE: After the greatest Greek warriors leave the Trojans mount the final offensive that leaves the Greek army defeated in its entirety with no survivors. A complete reversal of what happened in Homer's Iliad of when Troy was sacked and the men, women, and children being slaughtered. 
Potential Part Four: A naval Trojan offensive against a weakened Greece that results in Troy controlling the Aegean.

The Silmarillion - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
Homer's The Iliad
Troy - 2004 film distributed by Warner Bros.

Homer's Illiad, Kline version
Minoan Crete
Mycenaean Crete

Story Style:
Screenplay for a movie
Style of a book 

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