Adam and Eve
The Forgotten Books of Eden, edited by Rutherford H. Platt, Jr.
Leaving the Garden -
Adam and Eve were distraught when God cast them out of the garden. This section shows that God can show you mercy and pity as he did not forsake them entirely. He helped them and elevated them by leading them to the cave of treasures.
Entering the Cave of Treasures -
God again shows them mercy and pity as he led them into the cave of treasures showing them two routes, one for 5,000 and the other for 500 years. And that one would protect Adam's descendants.
They Die a First Time -
Adam and Eve kill themselves out of grief, but again God shows mercy and raises them from the dead through comfort. He tells them that they brought this upon themselves. He ends by saying that he does not nor did ever intend to destroy them because they are his children, his creations.
The Beasts of the Creation -
Adam and Eve emerge from the cave to the entrance of the garden and weep as they are no longer allowed into it. They see the river that waters the garden split into four to water the earth. At the end they look up on the area one last time, never to return.
Want of Water and Light -
One of humanities basic needs in life is water. Adam and Eve are trying to find it as they can never return to the garden. With light comes darkness. With the dark comes the brightness.
The Darkness -
The never to return to the garden part from the last two sections is amended here at the end when they would be allowed to return when the fulfillment of the days are upon them.
The Sunrise and the Serpent -
The callback to when they were deceived by the serpent to eat from the forbidden tree. The part that stands out the most is when it is said the serpent was the fairest of all beasts but it was changed into making it the ugliest of them all. And instead of having the first pick of food, they now eat the dirt and dust of the ground.
Suicide and Salvation -
Adam realizes what has happened to them. He finally sees that Satan had deceived them. God in turns saves them.
Worship and Blessing -
Since no religion is established, no one knows how to honor God. Specifically Adam. Throughout the story Adam basically has suicidal thoughts to make himself an offering to God because God is merciful and pitiful towards them. At the end God tells him not to kill himself again and at the end it was said to Adam that it would be God that would save him.
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Adam and Eve - Edvard Munch |
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